¿How To Know Your Chances And What To Say To Get Her Back?

There are no written rules by which you could really know how much chances you really have to get her love back, because all relationships are different and all couples relate to the other in different ways and willingness.

Variables To Watch Carefully

First, you have to know why your girlfriend is not with you anymore. There are many reasons why this could happen and these are the most important to watch.


Attraction is one of the most powerful reasons why a woman or men want to stay near the other person. Attraction is able to overcome a lot of problems and if you are able to generate lots of attraction and of the right kind, you will have a woman that could kiss your toes.

The rules of attraction are really simple, but most men don't know them because men generally are reluctant to seek the right advice to learn how to seduce women and this advice has the power to increase your chances to get your ex girlfriend back for good. Most think they don't need that kind of advice and end up with broken marriages and lots of problems in their relationships.

The most important rule of attraction for men is: "Dominate the situation". Women are strongly attracted to dominant men, men that are in charge of everything, they know exactly what to do, how to do it and doesn't fear anything because they are confident enough in themselves that know for sure that they could solve anything that arises.

Only watch how women act in desperate situations. They just cry and don't know what to do. This is exactly the opposite about how real men should manage this situation. In the area of love, women could tell you exactly what to do to seduce them, but they won't because women don't like men that don't know how to seduce them! It is insane, but it is the reality.

If you change your mindset and act as a real man, any word you say will create attraction on her.

What You Have Done

For a woman, it really doesn't matter what you did, but how you made her feel the last time you did something wrong. Women are very "feelings oriented", not very attached by the past itself, but attached about how they felt in that past. This is a very different view with respect men because men are usually attached to the past itself.

If you have done something serious like beating your ex girlfriend, those feelings will be recurring every time she remember about those sad moments. In general, your chances to get her back are slim, unless your change is real and she could see it. Even if you get your ex girlfriend back, from time to time she will remember the beatings and you will have to pay.

Your Memories

When trying to get her back, you have a lot of advantage over other guys because of your memories. Your memories are the most important asset you have to get her back, but you have to make her remember those nice moments in a way that make her recall their feelings about those moments. Remember that women are full of feelings and everything has to be translated in terms of what feelings generated those precious moments you had with her.


Anybody that tells you that have a formula to get your ex girlfriend back that have a 100% percent of effectiveness is simply lying to you and you should run as fast as you can in the other direction. Your chances to get her back depend on a number of factors, but getting advice could be the first step to get you your goal.

How to Get Your Ex Back For Good And Without Friction?

You are reading this page because your situation seems desperate and you think that getting back your ex is probably hopeless and you are searching for ways you could reunite with your ex girlfriend.

First of All, Lose Contact With Your Ex And Learn Fast!

The most common error men do after a breakup is beg to their ex girlfriends to return with them. One thing that you should know if you are not aware of it right now is that women are attracted to strong men. A man could be strong in several ways and different girls will seek a strong man in her area of interest.

If you are interested in very young girls, they will probably be attracted more by strong muscles than a "strong wallet". If you are interested in Christian girls, they probably will be more attracted to a very strong spiritual man than other strong characteristics of that man. If you are interested in a middle aged woman, she will be probably more interested in a strong wallet much more than your muscles.

So, you should know what is seeking the girl you are after, but whatever it is, you should look strong in all areas you can to increase your opportunities with this particular girl.

The Right Attitude At First

The right attitude is to ignore your ex girlfriend completely and start dating other girls, as much as you can. This could sound illogical, but that is the way strong men act when they face a situation like this. Think about it: a strong man has such demand that he will not bother to get the attention of one girl; in fact, the girl should be chasing him to be flavored by the attention of the man. It is exactly the same situation when a stunning girl meets a lot of nerds with low esteem. You will see hundreds of men doing crazy things just to get a little attention from the girl, but the girl think that all those men are idiots that she could control any time, when she likes.

Pretty women are really impressed when they find a guy that stays in control of the situation when she meets him. She is used to be chased like crazy, receive compliments and gifts that when she finds someone that ignores her, she goes mad. This is the first time in her life that someone just ignores her and because of that, she thinks that this person has to be someone really extraordinary (but could be a real jerk that is just ignoring her).

Don't Wait For Her. Just Go And Get A Life

If you are waiting for her, this means that you are not a strong man and she will see it through your actions. The best way to interact with your ex is doing tricks to her. One day express interest in her, the next day ignore her messages, next day say that she was important in your life, next day tell her that your important dates with her were not "so important".

This type of behavior tends to drive girls crazy because she will not know what to think about this. This will make her tell all her friends about this situation and this will make her think of you much, much more than if you were not being controversial. Woman love controversy because drama is very important for them and make them feel very important because they use drama to drive attention to them.

Every Situation Is Different

Every situation is different because there is a history attached to every relationship. If you have been violent in your relationship, it will be much more difficult to reunite with your ex girlfriend. If the problem was that attraction disappeared, then knowing exactly how to turn attraction on woman will be the key to reunite with your ex girlfriend.

Try To Fix What Caused De Breakup

If you apply tricks, maybe you could reunite with your ex easily, but because you haven't addressed the real reasons why your relationship sunk, you could easily get to the same place, but this time your girlfriend probably will be less open to give you another opportunity.

List of Don'ts

  • Never call her or send her messages frequently
  • Never trail them; this will make them furious and even mad.
  • Never repent in your situation. This is not good for your health.
  • Never do something reckless. This will make the situation worse.

A real strong man will never do any of these things.

List of What You Should Do

  • You can hang out with your friends.
  • Make yourself organized and more in shape (You will get more attractive)
  • You can read some valuable books that will inspire
  • Go and meet new girls without dating them seriously, just friends

In fact give your partner room to breathe and make feelings more strong and comfortable. Enjoy the time when she is around and give small meaningful gifts which will attract her more and more.